OSSBA Services

The Oklahoma State School Boards Association offers a wide range of services to better serve you as a school board member and to assist your school district.


With your help, our advocacy team serves as a bridge between the classroom and policymakers – building trusted relationships with and providing meaningful data to those charged with decisions at the state and local levels. Additionally, we communicate important information and updates with you – our members – to help you share your district’s story with your legislators and community. Together, we shape education policy to make a greater difference for Oklahoma’s children.


Change the way your board does business with Assemble Paperless Meetings, OSSBA’s online solution for meeting packets and other board documents. It’s secure, user friendly and puts the information you need right at your fingertips.

Assemble offers school board members cutting-edge technology while eliminating unnecessary paperwork, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.


School board members ask staff and students to seek life-long education. OSSBA encourages school board members to do the same. We exist to help you become a better board member and help your board become more effective.

Our knowledgeable staff and other experts offer high-quality training multiple times throughout the year via workshops, webinars, annual conference, twice-a-year region meetings, regional workshops and customized whole board development in your district.


An online group purchasing program for subscribing school districts. OSSBA member school districts are able to request quotes and purchase needed items.


A strong, well-implemented communications program helps build meaningful relationships and trust, while also elevating and protecting the district’s image and reputation. When you have a public relations crisis or require personalized communications guidance, we’re here to help with strategic messaging, parent letters, phone scripts and more. Call us anytime, day or night – at no additional charge.


Aligning your district’s actions, goals and decisions with your mission can produce better practices and outcomes for your students. OSSBA and the K20 Center for Educational and Community Renewal at the University of Oklahoma have developed a stakeholder-driven Continuous Strategic Improvement (CSI) planning process that can be tailored to fit rural, suburban and urban school districts. The comprehensive process engages all stakeholder groups to create universal ownership and support for district and school improvement.


An easy to use, sophisticated online payment processing service that is free to the school district to use.


Presented by OSSBA and CCOSA, this year-long program helps prepare a select group of Oklahoma education leaders for the superintendency. Each class is made up of 20 aspiring superintendents who geographically represent rural, suburban and urban districts across Oklahoma.

The diversity of the group is designed to enrich the learning experience and provide a collaboration-ready network of effective, forward-thinking leaders. Topics studied throughout the year include leadership, finance, communication, instruction and more.


OSSBA’s employment services can help your district save time and money.

Let our licensed Oklahoma attorneys assist your school district with unemployment issues — handling your claims, follow ups, appeals and more. We will guide you through the unemployment process from start to finish – even during fall, holiday, spring and summer breaks! We will ensure that you don’t miss a deadline.

We also offer additional employment services to support school districts, including an online library of employment reference information and forms, employment-related training opportunities and legal information and advice on employment issues.


A safe and inviting school environment helps support quality instruction and programs for students. Using reliable enrollment forecasting, facility assessment and community engagement processes, we can help you develop and successfully communicate a comprehensive capital investment plan that will garner support from local voters and transform education for your students.


Our free job board is a great place for districts to post vacancies! Districts manage their own postings through our easy-to-use system and can also share upcoming recruitment events and career fairs.


Legal information is a core member service OSSBA provides FREE with membership. In a year, our attorneys field more than 20,000 calls and emails from administrators and school board members!

Easy access. Our legal team is available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays to answer questions from district staff and school board members.

Extended availability. On the first and second Mondays of every month, our legal team is on call from 4:30 to 9 p.m. to answer urgent questions that arise during board meetings.

OSSBA attorneys can only provide information, not legal guidance. We can’t represent you or your district in legal matters. Call us first, and we’ll help as much as we can. If more assistance is needed, we’ll refer you to your retained legal counsel.


The Oklahoma Association of School Administrative Professionals connects employees who work in an administrative capacity at the district level, including minutes clerks, encumbrances clerks and treasurers.


Allows public school districts to safely control their internal interest earnings, providing additional dollars to increase the quality of educational services available to students across Oklahoma.


This purchasing card program is jointly sponsored by OSSBA and CCOSA, creating flexible, streamlined purchasing options through a third-party financial institution, and will provide accountability and reduce paperwork with regard to school expenditures.


OSSBA Connect – our online forum — brings together those in similar roles across Oklahoma school districts, encouraging communication, collaboration and a greater sense of community among the state’s education leaders. You can use it to learn from others and share ideas about education solutions.


We provide best-in-class employee benefits programs for school districts across Oklahoma. We have invested comprehensive resources to support your needs, and we have extensive expertise in strategic planning and operational execution. We serve as an extension of your Human Resources team, learning about your district’s direction, culture, and benefits objectives. We offer a hands-on approach, guiding and assisting you every step of the way.


The OSSBA Natural Gas Consortium was created to help Oklahoma schools meet their unique budget challenges and help stabilize their natural gas costs.

OSSBA partnered with WoodRiver Energy, a leading natural gas supplier for schools in the Midwest and Rockies, to supply natural gas for the program. Together, we provide a fixed-price purchasing program to help solve some of the budgeting challenges for Oklahoma schools.​


OSSBA offers a wide variety of policy solutions – something to fit every district and every budget.

We offer a customized policy manual service that includes (1) the creation of new policies for the district using existing materials or (2) a thorough policy review to determine what areas need to be updated within the manual by school staff.

Our policy subscription service includes a monthly PSST! newsletter, containing up-to-the-minute policy information and sample policies.  With this subscription, school districts receive an additional 12 policies of their choice in addition to the three to five policies contained within each monthly issue of PSST!

Online subscription services include access to the Online Policy Service, a powerful digital document platform to search for just what you need. You will experience full text searching, easy navigation and hit highlighting. The service gives you instant results, including references to Oklahoma laws that are the legal basis for policies available on the platform.


OSSBA’s web-based, interactive superintendent evaluation tool provides the school board an opportunity to give frequent, meaningful feedback to their superintendent. Our program allows district leadership to have an intentional impact on district and student achievement by providing positive feedback and by facilitating regular and supportive conversations about areas of improvement.


The selection of a superintendent is among the most significant decisions any board of education will make. OSSBA partners with other state school boards associations across the country to conduct quality and thorough national searches. Our record of matching the right candidate with the right school district or career technology center echoes our reputation for being an advocate for education. As your membership association, we will remain a resource for you and your new superintendent to ensure an effective tenure together.


Tomorrow’s workforce is learning in today’s classrooms, and Oklahoma schools must prepare them with the skills they will need for the future. Let OSSBA help you develop and implement an effective technology plan – including infrastructure and replacement planning – that will meet the needs of your district and support the innovation of your teachers and your students.


OSSBA’s Title IX Association provides support, guidance and training to those who serve as Title IX coordinators or otherwise deal with Title IX issues.